Cosmological ideas: the Universe and God

According to the Master Petar Deunov when we talk about the matter of the whole Genesis, God is at the same time, transcendental and immanent, unalterable Absolute, a central Monad. God is simultaneously manifesting being, giving form and life to anything, eternally creating Logos. In his capacity of an Absolute, He is the prime reason of all things, of all that exists. He comprises in himself the unity of all souls, which is why He is the Head of the human spirit. In his manifestation God is “unified and eternal Existence, universal Life, creative love, supreme consciousness or the consciousness of the Whole”
The doctrine of the Master Petar Deunov about God combines elements of modern pantheism and sublime monotheism. The master defines the character of God in the following way “He fills everything, He fills the whole Genesis, all the worlds, all the solar systems and still remains not manifested yet. And in the whole eternity He can not thoroughly manifest. All the forms that he is able to manifest thoroughly through do not exist in that eternity”. And more: Of his own essence, the Absolute, the Unattainable God does not have a form. He is “nothing”. But this “nothing” comprises everything in it”. The Master Petar Deunov underlines that God in his Existence is a Spirit. He can not be put in any dimension. He is infinite, incipient and eternal. God is the First Principle, the Absolute and the Reasonable Beginning. At the same time God is Oneness, He is Personal. He is the Being, “whose center is everywhere and the periphery - nowhere.” Wherever people look at in the world, everywhere, “in the center of everything” they can see God. The omnipotence of God means “The collectivity of the whole Existence” and his thought is expressed as an omnipotent creative power.
The master Petar Deunov says that God's nature represents something beyond proof. He is '….Love, that one has to experience deep within himself or herself”. People's way to God lies in the perfection. And the Master concludes: “I live in God” – that means God is “outside”. “God lives in me” – that means God is “inside”, and I myself, the human am “outside.” According to the Master Petar Deunov the existence of God, who is at the same time the unity and its forms, numerous parts of this unity, represents the wholeness of the existence, internal collectiviy of all the beings. The sign of God's existence in the creation – the world and the people, is the trinity of Love, Wisdom and Truth as constructive, universal principles, which both run through and fill the whole space and are the basis of all the powers and elements which determine life.
God has created the world as one divine reality having its own principles and laws. There is one divine sensible world, a world of the Spirit where everything is eternal and immortal. This world is truly real. This world represents one of the poles of the human existence where man comes from and where man is going to return because this world represents God himself. The matter is the other pole of the existence, which is a symbol of transience and variability. God is the only creature that is absolutely free and absolutely good. The nature of God is love. God manifests in the world only in the form of love. That is why the Creation is a result of his love. God is in the condition of an absolute goodness. All the creatures live in it. Through his manifestation as love, God reveals himself as an eternally giving and never taking being. The most perfect manifestation of God's love, according to the Master, is Christ. God represents the first principle in the world that lives inside every being; Christ is the second principle, which specifies the relations among people. Christ as the most superior manifestation of God is his first voluntary restriction as a manifestation at the level of existence. The manifestation of God's love through Christ is the Spirit of Christ.
When speaking of God as a trinity of the great principles Love, Wisdom and Truth we mean that God is the Being that creates everything – the principle of love; He is the Being that holds up and equalizes - the law of Wisdom; The Being that settles all the contradictions - the principle of Truth. Addressing these statements to the Christian Holy Trinity, the Master Petar Deunov concludes that under God Father we should refer to the doctrine of God's Wisdom, under God Son we should refer to the doctrine of God's Love and under God Holy Spirit we should refer to the doctrine of rising, and evolution of people. These three manifestations of God define him as the Being that is the Creator of life itself – Love; the Creator of the rationality in Life – Wisdom; the Creator of the ideal order, the so called “universal state” that does not punish the human who has led astray, but helps him to find the way back again. God is unrecognizable, because when we try to give a definition of him or try to objectify him, we restrict him but he is unrecognizable in his existence of Spirit-Absolute. However he undergoes recognition through his manifestation as Love. God represents oneness but He is Wholeness at the same time, as far as he is everywhere. That is why the whole world created by Him represents in fact one huge Divine organism in which every objective reality has its own exact definite place and function. God is a Spirit as the Absolute and the perfection are something immaterial. According to the Master Petar Deunov there are three worlds of the Manifested Existence - physical (material), spiritual and Divine. The absolute Divine world which is real is not identical to the physical. The Universe is an emanation of God. The invisible world (out of the material) is inhabited by different hierarchies “noble creatures” who have completed their earth (physical) evolution. They represent mediators between God and the people, performers of the global God's plan for the Universe. The world is an eternal arena of Life manifestation. The source of life is God, manifested as love. When we take a look at the life in the physical world, at the nature, we are able to find a proof for God's existence, seeing the rationality of Nature. In its nature life represents the differentiation of the initial Monad. The basic principle of life is also called love, because there is no live matter in the world that is not tightly connected to love. The power that rules life is in fact, the love. It is a result of the thesis that the Creation represents a constant act, creative process, and God emanates himself in the Creation in order to make it real – it means He is urged by love.
The material and the immaterial world from the point of life are not different realities, but are one and the same reality - as two consecutive phases of life itself. The transition from matter to Spirit is realized consecutively through passing from rougher to finer substances, from lower in substantial relation zones of the Cosmos to higher ones. The Universe is ruled by the law of harmony. Life is unique, filled with the absolute Wisdom of the Divinity – the Creator. The Cosmos is eternal, infinite and spiritual. The providence is manifesting in it as well as the will and the omnipresent subtlety of the absolute beginning – God. The universe as a wholeness of constant changes of eternally moving and changing objective realities is submitting to the new that always comes. The cosmos represents a reflection of the truth.
The universe as a manifestation of God is founded on several, basic principles. The first one of them is that everything in the world is reasonable. That means the creation, the development and the final purpose of life –in its capacity of emanation of the Divine Absolute – are included in the plan of God, and they are a manifestation of the Great Reasonable Beginning. The world is built on the basis of two beginnings or two poles: Spirit and Matter, power and love, suffering and reward and etc. This polarity represents a manifestation of the Superior Reason. With the help of it the constant movement, which is fundamental characteristic of the existence, is organized. This represents the second basic constructive principle. Everything in nature is being organized in its motion in accordance with some kind of rhythm or regularity. This principle determines the direction of the common motion without which, the motion would be restricted to vibration between two poles only. The internal character of motion is the vibrating or the vibration and the common law of motion is the rhythm or the cyclic recurrence. In a wider perspective this principle bears the idea of the spiral development of the world. Another essential point is that there is correspondence among everything in the Universe – most commonly said there is correspondence between the spiritual and the physical, which means that the material life on Earth represents a reflection of the life that exists in the other invisible worlds. The basis of this correspondence is the fact that the whole world is a manifestation of the universal God. The final principle comes out of this initial position – the principle about the wholeness of everything that exists, the wholeness of every little thing as God lives in each thing. As a whole it is important to be said that the fundamental basis in the Cosmology of the Master seen through the prism of its ontological aspect is God as an idea, nature and manifestation. His nature is unreachable for each creature that stands lower than He, himself. He creates the existence out of the chaos. He manifests himself as a Reasonable Beginning, Great Rationality, Eternal Source of Life, Eternal Beginning, Trinity of Love, Wisdom and Truth. The World and the Cosmos are a manifestation of God. There are particular principles, laws, powers and energies ruling in the Universe. The world is a proof of God's existence as He is a part of everything in it. This is why the world is reasonable. The whole Existence is being organized in accordance with the plan outlined by God and is going after its final aim – oneness and harmony with its Creator.